Dňa 1. 12. 2011 podpísala Východoeurópska agentúra pre rozvoj n.o. memorandum, o spolupráci a plánovaní spoločných aktivít, s Kyjevskou Univerzitou práva (Kyiv Universify of Law of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine).
Memorandum obsahuje nasledovné spoločné cieľe:
1. Arrange information exchange in areas of scientific and research, educational, methodical and cultural activities in the frames of educational and scientific process, exchange should be continuously discussed for better accommodation of the needs of both parties;
2. Exchange of experience in teaching practical skills for students and exchange training programs and experience in using modern teaching methods. The format of the exchange may vary depending on availability of funds and human resources of the parties, and may include communication via technology, visits by individuals or group of experts;
3. Disseminate information research findings, and educational experience of both parties, and on topics of mutual interest through publication of articles by SPovglg,Anand Ukrainian members using the publishing capabilities of Universities;
4. Consider a possibility to develop short-term exchange tours for faculty members and students based on potential interest and available resources ofboth parties. This memorandum is to be terminated in case of unavailability of resources, both human and material, or in case if cooperative activities are considered inefficient by either party.